Google opinion rewards in India, 6 best tips to get more surveys

Google opinion reward is an worldwide application and this is also launched in India by Google about 1 year ago with the help of this application you can easily make money by giving your opinion regarding Google products and services.
Google opinion rewards India, google opinion rewards, google rewards
it's very easy to use Google opinion rewards in India. to make money with this application you have to install this application into your mobile device.
How to use Google opinion rewards in India

Google opinion rewards can be used in India easily, to use this application just go to Play Store and install this application in your mobile phone, you can also download this application from here. Google opinion rewards Is a Small application powered by Google.
Google opinion rewards india
After installing this application, this will ask you your gmail address for register you as a new user just sign up in this application with your gmail address and then this will ask you some informations like name and other things, after submitting all these things you are ready to make money with Google opinion rewards.
How much can Google opinion rewards pay.

As there was not any limit of earning with Google opinion rewards application because this will totally depend on your work if your opinions are usable and genuine then they will serve you more surveys and your earning will increase everyday, you can earn earn $1 for per survey if you have given a original survey regarding Google products and services. You can earn $40 to $50 in a month if you work with Google opinion rewards.
6 tips to get more survey frequency in Google opinion reward.
Google opinion reward is a great application but some of the new user not get any servey after an example survey of 6 question. This is the major problem which is faced by all new users on Google opinion reward to get more survey on Google opinion reward application you can follow these tips for more surveys in Google opinion reward application.

1. stay active with google opinion rewards application.
To get more surveys in Google opinion reward application please open this application once in a day and not uninstall this application if you will stay active with this application then this will send a positive message to Google that you are interested in getting serveys and then they will offer you one survey.
2. turn on your GPS location to get more surveys.
This is the most important tip to get more surveys in Google opinion reward application as Google opinion reward application will offer you surveys as according to your location so this is very important to share your location with Google please turn on your GPS to get more surveys in this application.

3. share your location history with Google from application
I have already mentioned that Google opinion reward will gave you and survey as according to your location so this is very important to share your location history with Google to share your location history with Google opinion application just go to your menu in application and click settings then after turn on your location history this will must increase your frequency to get surveys in Google opinion rewards.
4. honest reviews in surveys.
Every brand or company need customer review to increase their product quality and performance so this is very important to write honest reviews in surveys if you give right and honest answer in Google opinion reward then they will offer you more surveys then any other user.

5. install more Google applications in Smartphone increase your frequency to getting surveys
To remove no servey problem in Google opinion rewards application you can install several Google powered applications in mobile phone which will increase your frequency to get surveys in Google opinion reward application, Google need customer review to improve their applications and services so this is a clear trick to get more surveys.
6. female user will get more surveys
A study has proved that a woman representative will get more surveys in Google opinion reward application in comparison of male user, it means you can register in Google opinion reward as a female candidate to get more surveys.
How Google opinion reward will pay you.
Google opinion reward will pay you in the form of Google Play credits when you complete a survey then you will be rewarded with some bucks which can be used in purchasing of services and applications from Google Play Store, you can spend all the earnings in Google Play Store by purchasing any type of item from their.

How much you can earn with google opinion rewards in India.
A user from India can make a lot of money with Google opinion reward application by completing survey India is a leading country and Google is fading its business in India so Indian user can get more surveys in comparison of any other country user.
They was not any limit learning with Google opinion reward it's depend on you that how much time do you give to complete surveys.

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